Flexible music production on
iPhone & iPad
Hypertron is an intuitive app which combines simple design with powerful tools for flexible music production on the go.
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HYPERTRON is an exciting musical instrument for iOS, which combines the best features of well known samplers, sequencers and drum machines for quick editing and flexible music production.

Compose, mix and arrange in one window. Tip on a pad and swipe in order to adjust effects. Load and record samples, alter sounds, compose melodies, build beats, arrange songs and perform them.

Load samples, record samples, slice samples, time-stretch samples, add fade-ins and fade-outs to your samples. Create melodies by pitching sounds in real time. Make samples sound more organic by using the glide parameter.

Add multiple effects like reverb, delay, distortion, highpass and lowpass to your tracks. Fine-adjust pitch, delay-times and reverb cutoff. You can also automate effects with swipe gestures and fine-tune these automations inside the editor.